About Samantha

My journey into this work began a long way from where I am today. From a child, I’ve always been amazed at the incredible capacity that humans have to break ourselves down and then recreate and heal ourselves again.


When I became a nurse in 2000, I worked in both acute and long-term Mental Health psychiatric inpatients, and following this, the community. From these experiences I realised that what society viewed as broken or unwell, was simply human beings’ incredible ability to cope with trauma by whatever means. This led me to take a break from full time nursing.


Having always practiced yoga, I discovered and trained in energy healing, reiki, reflexology, and body work (massage). This was the direction that my heart was leading me in, until a short detour occurred when I was recruited into The Bush Fire Case Management Service for Black Saturday survivors. Here I worked with PTSD, complex needs, domestic and family violence, drug and alcohol, applied suicide intervention and referrals, and my Woo Woo calling was pushed to the side. After 2 years this service was no longer in demand, so I shifted to the Mental Illness fellowship. Through all of this however, I was in deep suffering.


My own lifelong struggles of feeling sadness, self-loathing, disconnection, and profound inner turmoil were beginning to overcome me, and I felt that it was a battle I was destined to lose. It was here that I once again found myself in a cycle of self-medicating, unhealthy relationships and a punishment and reward cycle with my body that had played out since childhood. So, back to the body I went!


I dropped deeply into my yogic and breathwork practices - and fell in love with Pilates. I became a Pilates instructor and found myself teaching dance again! From here I went to New York and had the honour of master training with Alycea Ungaro, creator of Real Pilates. I then experienced the incredible Diploma of Wayapa Wuurrk, a beautiful modality of deep connection to Mother Earth.

Merging my experience with the Mind, Body, Heart, Soul and of course our Mother Earth, led me to dive deeply into all things Breathing! I believe every single one of us is a “Breathwork Practitioner”. It is our birthright and I simply help activate people into the remembering of their own wisdom and genius of their breath


I use many styles of Breathwork in my sessions including Conscious Connected Breathing (in many forms), meditation breathing, and breath with movement sequences for releasing and receiving. Working intuitively, I feel a great sense of freedom to no longer be restrained and bound by the system’s rules or regulations.


My deep love and appreciation for the Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, and our Mother Earth comes through strongly in my classes and sessions, as I weave them together and assist you in connecting to each and every one of them. I believe that Movement, Sound and Breath is the key to our connection, freedom, healing, and wholeness.

It is through embracing and loving all parts of ourselves, that we can truly return to our Wholeness.