Pilates | Movement | Breathwork | Healing | Embodiment | Spiritual Guidance

Hi, I’m Samantha

I'm passionate about helping people to make the connection between their Mind, Body, Heart and Soul. I love seeing people build confidence within themselves and I love watching people begin to appreciate their body. If we were to focus on the function rather than the image of our body we would see ourselves as truly extraordinary.

Unlimited Weekly Classes

$50 per week


    Movement is one of the most potent medicines for healing. The modalities of movement that I offer are traditional and contemporary Pilates, restorative and intuitive movement.


    Breathwork is when we come to breathe intentionally. Through intentional breathing, we are able to cleanse, clear and heal on a physical, emotional and energetic level.


    True healing happens when we realise that we are capable of healing ourselves. During my healing sessions I combine talk therapy, somatic release, sound, movement, breath, Reiki, massage, and assisted stretching for release, rejuvenation, and restoration.

What People Are Saying.

“Sam is a generous person, knowledgeable about her Pilates practice and thoughtful towards her clients. I am grateful to her for the support she has provided me.”

— Joanne (via Facebook)

“Sam’s knowledge and experience is vast, this shows in the way she runs the class and caters insightfully for each individual’s needs. She brings variety, challenge and enjoyment to every class.”

— Sue (via Facebook)